The question being discussed was:
"Given the common Christadelphian viewpoint that angels were heavily involved in creation, do you consider it likely that angels had a role in evolution, directing mutations, perhaps without definite knowledge of where they would go?"
John Mannell made the following comment that to me goes to the heart of the problem that the ECs face:
"Coming back to the original question, I would say that if (Evolutionary Creationism) is true, then God was involved in the process (just as he is today in forming babies, making it rain and causing the sun to rise each day, causing plants to grow etc.) But just like those processes, we will likely never be capable of pointing out exactly how God was involved."
I think that what he is saying is that although he half-heartedly believes in EC; (he says "IF EC is true") then it is impossible to prove and also impossible to define exactly what, if anything, God actually did in creation.
That's not good enough.
That's not good enough.
I could equally claim that my old teddy bear from my childhood days created the Universe.

"I would say that if Teddybearadelphianism is true, then the Teddy Bear was involved in the process (just as he is today in forming babies, making it rain and causing the sun to rise each day, causing plants to grow etc.) But just like those processes, we will likely never be capable of pointing out exactly how the Teddy Bear was involved."
It is only when you frame nonsensical statements by Christadelphians in a satirical context like the above that you can begin to see how empty their faith is. There is a fearsome void directly in the centre of their faith and that void is called "God."
The void is filled by Christadelphians with wishful thinking and self deception. The same goes for Evolutionary Creationism. It is a convoluted excuse for the fact that Genesis has been exposed as nonsense by modern science.
Evolution is universally agreed in the scientific world to be one of the best attested facts in human knowledge. In scientific circles there is no argument about its veracity, except by a miniscule handful of religious zealots. By contrast; the theory of Evolutionary Creationism is entirely unscientific, has no support in academia and obliges it's adherents to write nonsense like:
"We will likely never be capable of pointing out exactly how God was involved."
I would not want to base my hopes of eternal life on a foundation like that.
Evolutionary Creationism is a ticking time bomb in Christadelphianism. I say don't try to defuse it. Let it rip. It's doing our work for us.